Friday, July 13, 2012

Just Getting Started

If my brother Larry was a fancy guy, or a guy who liked titles, or a guy with a big ego, he could call himself a grass roots, food justice activist, independently addressing the needs of Detroit's homeless population.

I'm his little sister so I just call him a mush ball with a big heart.

What would Larry call himself ? Probably just a guy who had an idea one day to go to Sam's Club and buy some snacks and water and hand them out along with a smile and some conversation to anyone who needed it at Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit....just for the hell of it. And once he got the thrill of making the connection with just a few people on that day, he was hooked. He went home and wrote down the names of the men he met and a few of the specific items they asked him for.

"One guy asked me for pants with a size 36" waist and another guy was kind of embarrassed but he asked me for a pair of underwear. Another guy had socks and no shoes and someone else had shoes and no socks." Larry said.

"Maybe I'm crazy but it just seems like everyone deserves a meal, a pair of underwear, shoes and socks. That's why I'm doing this."

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